Baotou Jingxin Rare Earth New Materials Co., Ltd
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Standard Optical Components

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Standard optical components
Product FamilyProduct LabelCeO2/TREOParticle size(D50)Primary ComponentsAppearance
JingPolishJ1308-M>99%0.6-1.0µmCeO2Light yellow powder
JingPolishJ1312-M>99%1.0-1.4µmCeO2Light yellow powder
JingPolishJ2308-M62%-75%0.6-1.0µmCeO2  La2O3White Powder
JingPolishJ2312-M62%-75%1.0-1.4µmCeO2  La2O3White Powder
JingPolishJ2318-M62%-75%1.4-1.8µmCeO2  La2O3White Powder
MeiPolishM2165≥60%1.9-2.1µmCeO2  La2O3White Powder
MeiPolishM2111≥60%2.0-3.0µmCeO2  La2O3White Powder
MeiPolishM2118≥55%2.0-3.1µmCeO2  La2O3White Powder
JingPolishJ3308-M62%-75%0.6-1.0µmCeO2  La2O3  Pr6O11Red-brown powder
JingPolishJ3312-M62%-75%1.0-1.4µmCeO2  La2O3  Pr6O11Red-brown powder
NotesChoice of product should be determined based on a combination of factors including the customer's own product, polishing process, and typical working conditions.

Product Introduction:  

Our company has been focusing on the field of polishing powders for many years. Currently, we have two major series: JingPolish (J-series) and MeiPolish (M-series), comprising more than 40 different types of polishing powder products. The M-series include products with a median particle size of around 2.0 and above, while the J-series include products with a median particle size below 2.0. These two product lines are widely used in various fields such as optical glass, liquid crystal displays, photomasks, crystal jewelry, and stone materials. They are known for their high stability, excellent suspension properties, high cutting rate, and good surface quality. In addition to the existing products, we can also customize products with different compositions, hardness levels, and colors based on customer requirements, catering to diverse application needs.

Polishing powders are typically composed of components such as cerium oxide, aluminum oxide, silicon oxide, iron oxide, zirconium oxide, and chromium oxide. Different materials have different hardness levels and chemical properties in water, making them suitable for different usage scenarios.

Cerium-based rare earth polishing powder is one of the most important rare earth products. Its advantages include strong cutting ability, short polishing time, high polishing precision, high smoothness, long service life, and a clean operating environment. As a result, it is considered superior to other polishing powders and is often referred to as the "king of polishing powders."

Cerium oxide polishing powders can complete a lens polishing that require 30 to 60 minutes using conventional iron oxide polishing powders in only 1 minute. Therefore, rare earth polishing powders have the advantages of lower consumption, faster polishing speed, and higher efficiency. They can also contribute to higher polishing quality and cleaner operating environment. Generally, cerium-based polishing powders mainly contain cerium-rich oxides. Cerium oxide is highly effective as a polishing compound because it can polish through both chemical decomposition and mechanical friction simultaneously.


Rare earth polishing powders are widely used for polishing purposes in various industries, including crystal, optical glass, optical lenses, TFT thinning, hard disk glass, liquid crystal displays, flat panel glass, mobile phone screens, touch screens, precision optical glass, semiconductor chips, photomasks and more.

包头市晶鑫稀土新材料有限公司 专业从事高纯稀土靶材,打火石,稀土合金等稀土材料, 欢迎来电咨询!
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