Baotou Jingxin Rare Earth New Materials Co., Ltd
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About us
Baotou Jingxin Rare Earth New Materials Co., Ltd. was established in 2021 and is located at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) Baotou New Materials Industrial Park in the Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Inner Mongolia. The company has a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Leveraging the abundant rare earth resources in Baotou and the technical advantages of the SJTU Baotou Materials Institute, the company integrates cutting-edge industry technologies and focuses on research and development of rare earth functional materials and their applications. Out aim is to provide high-quality products and professional services to industry users。
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Baotou Jingxin Rare Earth New Materials Co., Ltd Specializing in high-purity rare earth targets, flint, rare earth alloys and other rare earth materials. Welcome to inquire!
蒙ICP备2023002316号-1 蒙公网安备 15020702000278号

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Wechat scan code to contact us:
Mr. Zhang:13347181333
Mrs. Ma:15560821125